Once you have determined your cat's energy requirements, you can use this to determine the optimum amount of food.
Here's how:
Look at the calorie information on your cat food. You need the calorie content per 100g.
Example: The daily energy requirement of your cat is 300 kcal.Your cat food has an energy content of200 kcalper 100g.
Then you calculate: (300 x 100) / 200. In this example, the daily amount of food for your pet should be around 150g per day.
Remember: You don't have to weigh the food to the gram. But calculating the amount of food can be a good guide. Don't forget your pet's daily snacks. They are often very high in calories. Ultimately, of course, it's not just the quantity that matters, but also the quality of the food. If you are unsure about the right food for your cat, ask your vet.