Made in Germany

Premium wet pet food & snacks

Natural species-appropriate recipes

Free delivery at 25 € (just in Germany and Austria)

Made in Germany

Premium wet pet food & snacks

Natural species-appropriate recipes

Free delivery at 25 € (just in Germany and Austria)


Our pets are family members and our most loyal everyday companions. It is important to understand their needs. After all, the well-being, health and vitality of our four-legged friends come first. Would you like to learn more about optimal nutrition, loving care and effective training for your furry friend? Then you'll find the answers you need here!

Alle Beiträge
Für deinen Hund
Für deine Katze
Die Körpersprache des Hundes: Signale verstehen und richtig deuten

Die Körpersprache des Hundes: Signale verstehen und richtig deuten

Hunde sind Meister der nonverbalen Kommunikation. Lerne in diesem Blogbeitrag die wichtigsten Körpersignale von Hunden kennen und lesen.

Sicher durch die dunkle Jahreszeit - Unsere Tipps für bessere Sichtbarkeit

Sicher durch die dunkle Jahreszeit - Unsere Tipps für bessere Sichtbarkeit

Damit du und deine Fellnase sicher durch die dunkle Jahreszeit kommen, haben wir die besten Tipps für bessere Sichtbarkeit gesammelt. Lies mehr in unserem Ratgeber.

Joggen mit Hund - Tipps für gemeinsame Laufabenteuer

Joggen mit Hund - Tipps für gemeinsame Laufabenteuer

In diesem Ratgeber erfährst du, wie du dich auf die Joggingrunde vorbereiten kannst, wann es besser ist, das Training ausfallen zu lassen und welche Tipps & Tricks dir helfen können, das Beste aus euren gemeinsamen Läufen herauszuholen.

Fahrradfahren mit Hund - gemeinsam die Natur erkunden

Fahrradfahren mit Hund - gemeinsam die Natur erkunden

Fahrradfahren mit dem Hund ist eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, gemeinsam Zeit im Freien zu verbringen und gleichzeitig sowohl Mensch als auch Tier fit zu halten. Doch damit der Ausflug sicher und angenehm verläuft, gibt es einige wichtige Punkte zu beachten. Hier sind die wesentlichen Aspekte, die Sie berücksichtigen sollten:

Vacation with dog

Vacation with dog

Mit der richtigen Planung und Vorbereitung kann ein Urlaub mit dem Hund eine unvergessliche Zeit sein. In diesem Ratgeber geben wir dir wertvolle Tipps, um eure nächste gemeinsame Reise zu einem tollen Erlebnis zu machen.

Fun in the water: Activities at the lake, river and sea with your dog

Fun in the water: Activities at the lake, river and sea with your dog

Viele Hunde sind regelrechte Wasserratten und lieben es, im Wasser zu planschen, zu schwimmen und zu spielen. Dies liegt oft an ihrer natürlichen Neugier und Abenteuerlust,

Why do dogs eat grass and is it dangerous?

Why do dogs eat grass and is it dangerous?

Grass eating is a common behavior in dogs and can occur for a variety of reasons. Find out here what the risks are and what you can do.

Ticks in dogs - tips for prevention and treatment

Ticks in dogs - tips for prevention and treatment

Spring is here, the temperatures are rising and with it the ticks are waking up from their hibernation.

Walk calmly - how to train your dog to walk on a leash.

Walk calmly - how to train your dog to walk on a leash.

Wie du deinem Hund Leinenführigkeit beibringst, erklärt Hundetrainer Philipp Kittler von der Hundeschule Kastens in diesem Gastbeitrag.

Paw care for dogs - this is what matters

Paw care for dogs - this is what matters

Your dog explores the world on his paws. To do this, they should be healthy. Learn more about proper paw care.

Dog training - this is what matters

Dog training - this is what matters

In this guest article, dog trainer Philipp Kittler from the Kastens Dog School what is important in dog training.

My dog eats snow - is that dangerous?

My dog eats snow - is that dangerous?

If your dog eats snow, this is potentially dangerous. Find out where the risks are and what you can do.

Optimal feeding of older dogs - with the right senior food

Optimal feeding of older dogs - with the right senior food

The right food for older dogs is crucial to support their vitality. Find out how to feed your older dog optimally right here.

My dog is always hungry - what can I do?

My dog is always hungry - what can I do?

What if your dog is always hungry? Find out why some dogs never seem to be full and what you can do about it.

Grooming your dog's coat: tips for all types of fur!

Grooming your dog's coat: tips for all types of fur!

Find out how the right coat care can help your dog to be healthier. Our 9 tips will keep your dog's fur nose happy all round.

Salmon oil for dogs - Advantages and advices

Salmon oil for dogs - Advantages and advices

Salmon oil can be a great addition to your dog's nutrition. Here you will find the most important benefits and helpful advices.

My dog needs to lose weight - this is how it works! 

My dog needs to lose weight - this is how it works! 

If your dog is overweight, this can lead to serious problems. Discover some tips here on how your dog can lose weight successfully.

Horse meat for dogs - this is what you should consider

Horse meat for dogs - this is what you should consider

Is horse meat suitable for dogs? We explain when it can be an alternative to conventional feed and give useful tips.

What is a dog allowed to eat and what not?

What is a dog allowed to eat and what not?

You love your dog and want to give him only the best, especially when it comes to his food. But the question 'What is a dog allowed to eat and what not?' can be confusing sometimes. We explain which foods you should treat with caution.

Dog treats - what you should pay attention to

Dog treats - what you should pay attention to

You want your four-legged friend to be not only happy, but also well behaved? Then dog treats are a valuable tool that you should not underestimate. Here you will learn why they are more than just a reward. The right treats can be an effective way to support your dog training and build a strong bond with your furry friend.

My dog does not eat - what can I do?

My dog does not eat - what can I do?

You know the familiar ritual: feeding time for your faithful four-legged friend. But suddenly he sniffs at the bowl and turns away - your dog doesn't eat. In such moments, concern for his health often rises. We explain possible causes and how you can react appropriately.

The right food for cats with allergies

The right food for cats with allergies

Your cat is always tormented by skin problems, itching or digestive problems? The cause could be a food allergy. The right diet plays a crucial role when it comes to the well-being of cats with allergies. In this article, you'll learn how to choose the right food to provide your cat with relief and noticeably improve its quality of life.

Wet-BARF for pets - three simple recipes to make yourself.

Wet-BARF for pets - three simple recipes to make yourself.

You want to mix the food for your dog yourself, but frozen barfing is too time-consuming for you? Then our pure meat line Steakhouse could be something for you.

Dog training: tips and tricks

Dog training: tips and tricks

Dog training is an important part of raising your four-legged friend. We'll give you some tips on how it works.

Delicious for a long time - this is how you store dog food

Delicious for a long time - this is how you store dog food

The right food for your dog is the best basis for health and vitality. But how and where do you store dog food properly?

Change of food for dogs - this is how it works

Change of food for dogs - this is how it works

You think about a change of food for your dog? We explain when it makes sense and what you should consider.

Vegetables for dogs - these vegetables can eat your dog

Vegetables for dogs - these vegetables can eat your dog

Crunchy vitamin bomb or harmful to health? This is the question many dog fans ask themselves when it comes to feeding vegetables.

Wet-BARF for cats - this is the right way to do it

Wet-BARF for cats - this is the right way to do it

You love your cat and want to feed it naturally and species-appropriate? Then how about wet-BARF?

Grain-free cat food - is it really healthier?

Grain-free cat food - is it really healthier?

Hype or must-have? Cat food without grains has become increasingly popular for some time.

What food for dogs with allergy and intolerances

What food for dogs with allergy and intolerances

Are you unsure if your dog has an allergy? We'll explain how to recognise it and give you tips on what food you can give him.

How to find the right dog food

How to find the right dog food

The way to a dog's heart is through his stomach. To make sure your dog gets the right food from you, we explain what's important.

Grain-free dog food: what you need to know

Grain-free dog food: what you need to know

Grain in dog food: yes or no? We explain what you need to know and what grain alternatives you can use instead.

How much food for the cat? How to calculate the ideal amount of food

How much food for the cat? How to calculate the ideal amount of food

As soon as the bowl is filled, there's no stopping! But how do you know if you're giving your pet the right amount of cat food?

Dietary supplements for dogs: useful or needless?

Dietary supplements for dogs: useful or needless?

A balanced nutrition ensures that your dog is healthy all around. Sometimes this requires nutritional supplements - we explain when.

High quality cat food - this is how you really recognize it

High quality cat food - this is how you really recognize it

You love your cat and want to give it only the very best food. But how can you recognize high-quality cat food?

Food bible: What kind of dog food is available?

Food bible: What kind of dog food is available?

Complete food, single food, supplementary food - we explain to you what kind of dog food is hidden behind these terms.

Junior food - how to feed your young dog correctly

Junior food - how to feed your young dog correctly

Approximately after 4 months of age, puppyhood ends - your fur friend is then considered a young dog.

5 questions about Wet-BARF - our vet answers them

5 questions about Wet-BARF - our vet answers them

What is actually Wet-BARF? We at Fleischeslust understand this to mean species-appropriate feeding with food that contains only meat and offal.

How to identify high quality dog food

How to identify high quality dog food

Bowl-licking-guarantee - how to identify high quality dog food