You love your velvet paw and want her only the the very best food. But how do you recognize actually high quality cat food? If you are asking yourself this question, we have the answers. Besides a high meat content, you should pay attention to other ingredients. We explain, how to feed your cat species-appropriate and natural.
To keep your cat fit, vital and healthy throughout its life, it needs a combination of important nutrients. They get these from their food. What does a complete cat diet look like? A good diet consists of 50-60% high-quality protein as a source of energy. In addition, around 20-30% animal fats and 3-8% carbohydrates and fiber. Good to know: Although cats can only use carbohydrates to a limited extent, they should still appear in small quantities in cat food. This is because they also include fiber, which supports intestinal activity.
There are also vitamins and minerals, such as calcium for healthy bones. Cats need taurine for numerous processes in the body. Also vitamins A, D, E, the B vitamins as well as magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine and selenium.