Before you feed your dog vegetables, take a close look at the type of vegetable. Not all vegetables that we humans like to eat are suitable for our furry friends.Some vegetables are even poisonous for dogs. Can dogs eat raw vegetables? In general, dogs can eat raw vegetables if they can tolerate them. However, some vegetables should not be eaten raw as they are harmful to dogs.
In general, vegetables that you can eat raw can also be eaten raw by your dog. With cabbage, you should pay attention to the quantity. If your pet is not used to this, it can lead to flatulence. However, this should not be confused with an intolerance, as it is a normal reaction.
However, some dogs prefer to eat vegetables that have been doused with hot water, grated or steamed rather than raw. Heating also breaks down the nutrients better and makes them more digestible. It is therefore up to you to decide whether you prefer to feed the vegetables raw or cooked.
The following vegetables are not allowed in your dog's bowl because they are TOXIC for him:
- Avocado
- Onions
- Garlic
- Hops
- Manioc
- Macadamia nuts
- Raw legumes
In the case of fruit, this applies to grapes and sultanas!